Week 6 Follow-Up; Week 9 hopes

Finding out that I’m likely going to be teaching a completely different set of courses next year has reduced the desire to keep track of what I’m doing with the courses I have currently. If things go as I’m being told, all of my students will be seniors. While it generally feels like there’s more status attached to teaching upper-level courses, I’ll miss teaching sophomores. It’s such a pivotal age in adolescence; driver’s licenses, first jobs, and a shift between expectations others have for you and what you want for your own life.

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Weekly Wishes 2024A: Week 6

Finding something to look forward to is really difficult. I don’t know if that’s a symptom of depression, or what. I don’t really feel like there’s much to get excited about. There’s definitely stuff that I want to get done. But I feel very much in the middle of things, and the end is really far off.

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Looking Back: “Priorities”

My “priorities” statement at my desk

My 2023 Word for the Year was “Priorities.”

Teaching is a profession that can be exhausting and overwhelming. There is always, ALWAYS more that you could do. And it’s “for the children,” of course, so there’s always pressure to do more. Between that and the fact that the world is full of interesting ideas and activities, I’ve always found it difficult to avoid overextending myself.

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Weekly Wins 2024A: Week 1

Things don’t always go exactly as planned. You make adjustments as best you can, but sometimes it feels like you’re hanging on by your fingertips.

Image via Wikimedia Commons (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Climbing#/media/File:Josune_Bereziartu_2012.jpg)

At the beginning of the week, we had a two-hour delay. Then on Thursday evening, we found out that school would be cancelled on Friday. I’m a veteran teacher; I can adjust as needed. And it helps that the new term just started, which means that I’m not in the middle of a unit or anything.

But it’s still a challenge!

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